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    A Christmas Message

    washington crossing the delawareAs Christmas Day approaches, another tumultuous year comes to a close. The headlines over the past 12 months might have some people thinking, “If you don’t expect anything good to happen, then you won’t be disappointed when it doesn’t.”

    December 25 isn’t just a day to spend with family and friends, exchanging gifts and enjoying special meals. It’s a reminder of the importance of hope; a mile marker we can use to evaluate our attitudes, rejuvenate and decide to be positive.

    I recently saw a special on the events surrounding George Washington’s crossing of the Delaware River in New Jersey on December 25, 1776. It reminded me how important it is to hold on to hope. Washington and 2,400 soldiers braved the freezing river and a severe winter storm that unleashed wind, snow, hail and sleet. The cloak of darkness that accompanied the nor’easter made it difficult for boatmen to see the opposite shore. Washington was already three hours behind schedule and debated whether or not to continue.

    Poor roads and supply chain disruptions made sourcing basic supplies such as clothing, blankets and food next to impossible. Disease, hunger and exposure were the solders’ close companions. It took Washington more than 11 hours to cross the Delaware with artillery and horses on Christmas night. Once assembled on the Jersey shore, the men faced a 10-mile march to Trenton. It was there that Washington secured the Continental Army's first major military victory of the war. Without the determination, resiliency, and leadership exhibited by Washington and the intrepid spirit displayed by his men, the victory at Trenton would not have been possible.

    The Cornish Christmas carol “The First Noel” dates back centuries. At the beginning of the 19th century, William Sandys was concerned that the celebration of Christmas was diminishing. He decided to compile a collection of carols. He published “Christmas Carols, Ancient and Modern” in 1833. The book marked the first time the lyrics of The First Noël appeared in print. The word “noel” can be traced to the Latin phrase "natalis dies Domini", meaning “the Lord's birthday.”  The good news found in the lines of the carols revived traditions and the spirits of the people who sang them.

    Here at Creative Composites Group, our employees and our customers are like family. From our family to yours, we want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.