Sep 18, 2019
Walking and biking have seen a resurgence in popularity. Many commuters are turning their commutes into an opportunity to stay active while reducing their impact on the environment. This increase in walking and biking requires a...
Sep 18, 2019
Walking and biking have seen a resurgence in popularity. Many commuters are turning their commutes into an opportunity to stay active while reducing their impact on the environment. This increase in walking and biking requires a...
Topics: FiberSPAN, cantilever sidewalks, pedestrian bridge decks
Sep 12, 2019
Posted by Scott Reeve
Leave a CommentLast week, CA presented a webinar on the design details of our FRP Double Tee panels for rail and transit platforms. These lightweight, prefabricated panels have found a good fit in platform rehabilitation and new construction....
Topics: FRP Rail Platforms
Aug 21, 2019
Next week is the first ever “National Composites Week.” Across the country our industry will take time to showcase the facets of composite materials technology and celebrate how it is being used to continually improve the world...
Topics: FRP
Aug 14, 2019
At Composite Advantage, our vision is for Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) materials to have the same acceptance for construction as the traditional materials of steel, concrete and wood. We believe that quality should never be...
Topics: Rail Platforms, rail, FRP Rail Platforms, FRP, Tee Stiffened Panels, double tee
Aug 7, 2019
Rail platforms play several important functions in the transportation industry. They must safely withstand high volumes of foot traffic, as well as other loads. They also need to be spacious enough to comfortably accommodate the...
Topics: FiberSPAN, Rail Platforms, FRP Rail Platforms, Fiber-Reinforced Polymer, FRP, Weight, Corrosion and Maintenance, Slab Decking, Tee Stiffened Panels, Custom Panels
Jul 17, 2019
As I work to promote FRP for bridges through Composite Advantage (CA) sales and through the educational efforts of the American Composites Manufacturers Association’s (ACMA), I’ve observed an interesting phenomenon. FRP enjoys a...
Topics: frp bridge
Jul 3, 2019
On July 8, 1776, Philadelphians heard the first public readings of the Declaration of Independence against a backdrop of ringing bells and band music. The following year the city chose July 4th to celebrate the country’s...
Topics: Brooklyn Bridge
Jun 26, 2019
Posted by Scott Reeve
Leave a CommentMany architecture and infrastructure designers are switching from concrete, wood, or metal architecture to fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites in their structures. This versatile engineered material resists corrosion and...
Topics: FRP
Jun 19, 2019
The International Bridge Conference was held in the Washington, DC area a few weeks ago. I was there along with other composite manufacturers and suppliers to promote FRP technology for a wide range of bridge applications. We...
Topics: International Bridge Conference
Jun 5, 2019
Two weeks ago, I had the opportunity to testify before a congressional subcommittee on how innovative materials can improve the resiliency of our transportation infrastructure. It was a great experience to be able to promote...
Topics: Infrastructure, ACMA Infrastructure Day
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