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    Custom FRP Bridges Are Our Specialty


    Pedestrian bridges play an important role in helping those who walk across them reach their destination – including children on their way to school in Narragansett, Rhode Island. So when a company reached out to us looking for a custom bridge that would provide many students a safe and straightforward route to school, we were ready to help. This bridge needed to be lightweight, easy-to-assemble, with a unique look and a great deal of attention to detail. So through cooperation with Cardi Corporation, RI DOT, and Structural Fiberglass Inc., we designed, manufactured, and delivered a custom-designed structure that satisfied the project requirements.

    This project is unique since this customer was looking for a pre-assembled structure instead of individual parts for onsite assembly. They needed this bridge to be ready to install upon arrival, which helps customers cut costs and save time. Our E.T. Techtonics bridge line offered a solution that shipped fully assembled, ready to be dropped in place for a speedy installation. Once the customer received the bridge, a crane was used to set it into place, and then the decking was added to the bridge. After three days, the bridge was fully operational! Talk about a fast and straightforward process!

    DJI_0056Another exciting aspect of this project was the importance of the color of the material for the bridge. Because of the school setting, the customer was looking for a custom color that would nicely complement the location. We helped the customer determine the perfect color match for the area and make their bridge stand out. The chosen color was the same primary color that the surrounding school district uses. The matching colors instill a sense of local pride by connecting the school with the community members and students who will use the bridge regularly. 

    At first, the customer was worried about using Fiberglass Reinforced Polymer (FRP) for this bridge since it would be a new material they had not considered before. However, with the level of customization that our E.T. Techtonics bridge line offers, combined with the detailed design necessary for this project, it became clear that FRP was the right choice. After the easy installation, the customer is delighted with the product and will use FRP on their future projects.