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    ESG Week: Safety First


    Although the practice of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investments began over 60 years ago, modern definitions of and focus on these issues emerged only in the last two decades. From LEED credits to transparency between suppliers, companies and stakeholders, ESG initiatives are at the forefront of most business plans today.

    Worker safety is an essential and often overlooked element of ESG initiatives. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) asserts that, “Employers are only truly sustainable when they ensure the safety, health and welfare of their workers.” Creative Composites Group (CCG) and our holding company, Hill & Smith Holdings, LLC, firmly agree with OSHA’s perspective on safety, which is why we have set aggressive safety goals for the short and long term.

    Further Lowering Our Low LTIR

    “Lost time injury rates,” or LTIR, is an OSHA rate that monitors the productivity or working days lost due to illness or injury. A high LTIR is bad for business and employee morale, as it represents an unsafe work environment.

    CCG reported a 2021 annual LTIR of 0.465 and currently reports a 0.499 rate for 2022. While this is a very low rate already, we know we can do even better.

    As part of our ESG initiatives, CCG has a three-year roadmap for lowering LTIR. Our year-by-year focus and goals are:

    • 2022: Basics for standards, tools and people (yearly LTIR ≤0.90)
    • 2023: Sharing and learning the basics we’ve learned (yearly LTIR ≤0.75)
    • 2024: Continuous improvement to best practices, etc. (yearly LTIR ≤0.50)
    • 2025: Best-in-class performance (yearly LTIR ≤0.25)

    To achieve these goals, CCG monitors LTIR and “serious injury review” (including “near misses”), reports these numbers to stakeholders and managers monthly and offers internal training and corrective action to maintain a safe work environment and safe worker practices.

    At CCG, we strive to create the safest working environment to keep both our products and our people resilient in the long term. Contact us today to discuss how CCG can be an up - or downstream partner, providing the highest quality Fiber Reinforce Polymer products backed by a strong commitment to safety and ESG.