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    Live Blogging a Trail Bridge Install: Part 2

    Good news! We've completed the installation of the trail bridge in Phillips Park, Beavercreek Township, Ohio. If you missed our last blog introducing the project, click here!

    Back to this week. The weather was beautiful here in the midwest. Although we don't require perfect weather for installation, it sure makes the work more enjoyable. Here are the steps we followed this week.

    1. Big R Bridge delivered a new 45-foot long weathered steel truss superstructure to the Composite Advantage shop.

    2. Composite Advantage added the two-panel FRP deck. It was molded with black pigment. We then added a brown non-slip wear surface, simulating wood deck planking and giving the bridge a rustic look. Finally, we added solar-powered deck lights to illuminate the bridge after dark.

    3. The finished bridge was transported to the park and lifted into place on the concrete abutments.


    You might think that installation is the final step in a project like this. Actually we still have some work to do before the first hikers cross the bridge. Stay tuned for photos of the finished final product - and an explanation of the final touches. Have questions or want more info on our FRP decks? Contact us today!