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    See What FRP Composites Can Do for Your Construction and Infrastructure Projects

    ACMA CI Tech Day 2021 - LinkedIn Photo (002)FRP composite technology offers a wide range of products and solutions for construction and infrastructure projects. To better understand WHY and WHEN composites offer value in projects and WHAT infrastructure stakeholders want to know, the American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA) will host a virtual educational event on FRP applications and composites in construction and infrastructure on June 21-24, 2021. 


    This educational event is custom-designed to inform business owners, designers, engineers, Federal & State DOTs, investors, specifiers, and others on the applications of FRP composites technology. Attendees will learn how composites shape the future of infrastructure through 21 educational presentations and two end-user panels on a full range of topics, including architectural applications, concrete reinforcement, vehicular & pedestrian bridges, waterfront protection, heavy civil applications, life cycle cost analysis, standards, and more!


    This event is an excellent opportunity to learn about innovative composites technologies in the construction and infrastructure markets while earning up to 12.5 PDH, so sign up here.


    As we all adapt in the post-Covid world, the acceptance of virtual events allows more attendees than ever to learn about FRP composites. In the past, ACMA held Technology Days focused on end-users - many of these hosted at large suppliers who dominate their industries; think Boeing, Airbus, Honda, Volkswagen. However, the widely distributed Construction and Infrastructure players are spread across thousands of companies, agencies, and geographies. Even large urban areas only have a small percentage of stakeholders with the time availability for multiple-day physical events. A virtual event with rich content offers attendees the opportunity to hear from a broader range of presenters and panelists while spending less of their valuable time getting the core information. 


    Attendees can log in just for the presentations pertinent to them; while being welcome to attend all the sessions to learn about new applications that can apply to their next project.


    Sign up now and get this event on your calendar.