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    Stop Procrastinating: Complete Your PDH Requirements Early in 2017

    work-management-907669_1280.jpgProcrastinate. We all do it, and most of us regret it. Especially when you're scrambling to complete your Professional Development Hour (PDH) requirements at the end of the year. You should be relaxing and enjoying the holiday season, but instead, you feel like this guy, squeezing in courses and paperwork. We'd like to help you start 2017 one step ahead of the game.

    Sign up, and on January 24 you'll start the year off right by gaining one PDH. You'll also learn about how FRP composites connect and co-exist with traditional materials, particularly in the infrastructure realms. For one hour, Composite Advantage President Scott Reeve will explain

    • How FRP can both complement or even replace traditional materials like steel and concrete
    • How FRP can save money on installation and maintenance
    • Real life examples of successful bridge projects using FRP

    Scott will show how lightweight, strong and long-lasting Composite Advantage FRP composite bridges, decks and other infrastructure products have stolen the show time and again. He'll also answer any questions you may have on the use of FRP composites in infrastructure.

    Ready to reserve your spot? Click below to register, or email Scott Reeve with questions. 

    Composites Webinar