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    Jun 9, 2022

    ESG Week: Helping to Reinvigorate the Heartland

    The post-industrial Midwest is finally shaking off some of the rust for more advanced materials like composites. Creative Composites Group (CCG) is proud to be a part of the revitalized manufacturing market in the United States. 

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    Topics: FRP Composites

    Jun 7, 2022

    ESG Week: Safety First

    Although the practice of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investments began over 60 years ago, modern definitions of and focus on these issues emerged only in the last two decades. From LEED credits to transparency...

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    Topics: FRP Composites

    Jun 6, 2022

    ESG Week: CCG’s Carbon Monitoring

    Our environment has changed greatly over the centuries. Unfortunately, human innovation has far outpaced our ability to assess and mitigate our impact on Earth. Thankfully, many companies – including Creative Composites Group...

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    Topics: FRP Composites

    May 17, 2022

    Pultrusion: Helping Protect the Environment

    Earth currently has around three trillion trees. This may seem like a lot until you consider that this is half as many as existed before human civilization arose. As we said in a recent blog on climate change, no one and nothing...

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    Topics: FRP Composites, utility

    May 10, 2022

    Climate Change, the Electric Grid and Fiber Reinforced Polymer

    Climate change is negatively affecting everyone and everything, including infrastructure. Even without climate-related problems, the United States’ infrastructure is in sorry shape. The Council on Foreign Relations has explained...

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    Topics: FRP Composites, utility poles, utility

    May 4, 2022

    FRP Can Reduce Pain at the Pump

    Filling up your fuel tank these days can feel like being mugged. Gas prices are at a record high, averaging $4.17 per gallon and breaking the July 2008 record of $4.11.

    These high costs are rippling through already ailing supply...

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    Topics: FRP Composites

    Apr 27, 2022

    FRP On Top With Advanced Air Mobility

    When the Hanna Barbara cartoon ‘The Jetsons’ debuted in 1962, the year was 2026. George Jetson traveled to work in a flying car that folded up and fit in his briefcase. Repulsorlift vehicles—featured in the iconic Star Wars...

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    Topics: FRP Composites

    Apr 19, 2022

    In This Transformed Market, Buyer Beware

    Founding father Benjamin Franklin once wrote the famous phrase, “But in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Never, never, never would I have ever expected what has occurred in the past two...

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    Topics: FRP Composites

    Apr 13, 2022

    ‘Penta’ Loses Registration, FRP a Strong Wood Alternative

    Wood treatment facilities using pentachlorophenol – commonly referred to as “penta” – have until February 2027 to use penta on their products, while penta manufacturers must cease penta production by February 2024.

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    Topics: FRP Composites, utility poles, utility

    Mar 22, 2022

    Need High Volume & Cost Efficiency? Try Transonite!

    American businesswoman Martha Stewart parlayed her passion for cooking, gardening, decorating and cleaning into a $400 million business empire that has made her a household name worldwide. Her motto is "the right tool for the...

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    Topics: FRP Composites, transonite