Jul 29, 2020
For millennia, water has been both the barrier and the connection between the diverse parts of the world. Where there is water, there is a waterfront that needs infrastructure to use and harness the power of water. FRP composite...
Jul 29, 2020
For millennia, water has been both the barrier and the connection between the diverse parts of the world. Where there is water, there is a waterfront that needs infrastructure to use and harness the power of water. FRP composite...
Topics: waterfront infrastructure, FRP
Jul 31, 2019
Posted by Mark Watt
Leave a CommentComposite Advantage designs custom FRP piles for each fender project. Pile design considers the soil profiles, required energy absorption, and limits of deflection to meet the requirements of the project. The resulting design,...
Topics: waterfront infrastructure, FiberPILE
May 17, 2019
According to the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) the toll-free Jamestown-Scotland Ferry operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year including major holidays to carry passengers across the James River. On Christmas Day,...
Topics: waterfront infrastructure, FiberPILE, structural dolphin
May 2, 2019
On February 26, 1925, Albert Jester made the first automobile ferry crossing of the James River [Virginia] with the Captain John Smith. The boat was 60 ft. long and could carry 16 Model-T Fords. The history of Jamestown itself...
Topics: waterfront infrastructure, FiberPILE
Apr 18, 2019
Quadripods, tripods and clusters…kind of makes you wonder if someone forgot to run spell check. After all, isn’t a quadruped a four-legged animal? And tripod shouldn't be confused with cephalopod, a moniker for...
Topics: waterfront infrastructure, FiberPILE, large diameter pipe piles, structural dolphin
Jan 9, 2019
These days the word infrastructure can mean different things to different people. Merriam-Webster defines the noun as “the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities (e.g., buildings, roads, and power supplies)...
Topics: waterfront infrastructure, Infrastructure, Imagine Act
Aug 22, 2018
Posted by James Gilcher
Leave a CommentEvery project at Composite Advantage involves numerous entities working together to bring it to completion. The Dominion Power project was no exception. The project involved replacing the Virginia transmission towers’...
Topics: waterfront infrastructure, fenders
Apr 11, 2018
In our last blog we talked about the state of the nation’s ports, the amount of freight that moves through the U.S. and what it will take to modernize and rehabilitate America’s waterfront infrastructure. Improvement plans...
Topics: waterfront infrastructure, Infrastructure, FRP Composites, FRP Resource Center, Composite Advantage, infrastructure bill
Apr 3, 2018
For the majority of the population that are ‘land lubbers,’ talk about harbors and ports, and the sailors who braved unknown expanses of water to reach these safe havens, can be a bit of a mystery. It's also surprising when you...
Topics: waterfront infrastructure, Wicket gates, ports
Jul 5, 2017
On the shores of Dry Creek in Hebron, Kentucky, you will see a boat carrying four cars across the Ohio River as the sun rises in early in the day. The ride is only a couple of bucks, and it takes just minutes to cross the Ohio...
Topics: waterfront infrastructure, ferry terminals
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