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    Installation Complete! Trail Bridge Live Blog Part 3

    If you've been following our blogs on phase one and phase two of the Beavercreek Township trail bridge install, you'll be pleased to know that the work is now complete! Final touches included adding approaches and cleaning up the trail paths leading up to the bridge. Designed to handle pedestrian loads and maintenance vehicles, the bridge has been engineered to withstand uplift force if the area should experience a 100-year flood – a weather event that seems to happen with greater frequency these days. With everything in place, the bridge looks great. The FRP deck won’t require any maintenance because it won’t rot or corrode. Maintenance won’t have to worry about painting the weathered steel truss.


    It took three days to prepare the work site and pour the abutments. The bridge and deck were prefabricated in the shop and installation took one day. It took an additional day to grade the approaches and clean up the site.


    We appreciate the opportunity to provide the township with a bridge that they can enjoy, maintenance-free, for a very long time.

    Have questions? Contact us!