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    We’ve Arrived. Now What?

    We’ve Arrived. Now What?

    Well, we made it out of 2020. Six days into the New Year and some are taking tentative steps while others aren’t sure they are ready to start again. I like what American author Norman Vincent Peale had to say. “Have great hopes and dare to go all out for them. Have great dreams and dare to live them. Have tremendous expectations and believe in them.” 

    At Composite Advantage, we are excited about the opportunities ahead to make improvements in how we do things based on the lessons we learned in 2020. And we will continue to adapt to new ways of doing business. For the last two years, we’ve been working as part of a dynamic group that includes companies such as Creative Pultrusions, Kenway and E. T. Techtonics. The joint effort has helped us push FRP composites even further in to the mainstream of traditional material choices.

    You’ve heard us talk about the fact that it often takes decades for a new technology to evolve into a standard material. We’ve seen fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites make the transition from a specialty product to mainstream applications in the infrastructure, rail, utility and marine markets. FRP is no longer the new kid on the block. That evolution has laid the foundation for us to move to a new level of innovation, product development and service through integration with other key partners.

    We’re starting 2021 with a bang so stay tuned for a major announcement as we put the pieces in place to ramp up support and product offerings to a “whole ‘nother level.”