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    Increase Service Life of Roofing and Siding with insulated panels

    With a proven history of outstanding product performance, TuffSpan™ FRP roofing and siding is the market leader providing safe, weathertight, long-term building solutions in the most chemically aggressive and harsh environments.

    TuffSpan insulated composite panels (ICP) are our next-generation, non-metallic insulated panel system. Insulation board is sandwiched between premium TuffSpan fiberglass exterior and interior panels. The shop-fabricated ICP panels significantly reduce total installed time and cost while providing excellent corrosion resistance and superior UV protection to extend a building's service life.

    Benefits and Value of Composite Insulated Sandwich Panels
    • Highest-Quality Resin Systems – isophthalic polyester, aliphatic, vinyl ester
    • Reduced Installed Costs – shop-fabricated, modular design, lightweight
    • Long Service Life – excellent corrosion resistance, maintenance-free
    • Superior UV Protection extended color retention, better aesthetics

    Compared to insulated metal sandwich panels, the lighter weight, slightly wider ICPs reduce construction time onsite, allowing operations to begin sooner. They are inherently corrosion-resistant, which gives them a maintenance-free service life, even in the harshest industrial environments. The halogen-free, aliphatic resin adds excellent weathering and color-retention properties.