StormStrong® FRP Cross Arms
We are committed to providing extremely reliable pultruded cross arms. Our Fiberglass Reinforced Polymer "FRP" StormStrong cross arms are RUS approved and have been engineered to meet the requirements of the National Electric Safety Code (NESC) and to increase grid reliability.
Composite FRP crossarms are lighter and stronger than wood crossarms. They will not rot or succumb to woodpeckers or termites. Our StormStrong crossarms exhibit an extremely high dielectric strength and contain no hazardous chemicals or pesticides. Most utilities find that composite crossarms provide the lowest installed cost. Many times, two wood arms can be replaced with a single FRP deadend crossarm and FRP tangent crossarm.
Fiberglass deadend crossarms are available in 3-5/8” x 4-5/8” and 4” x 6” rectangular sections. Fiberglass tangent crossarms are available in 3-1/2” x 4-1/2”, 3-5/8” x 4-5/8”, and 4” x 6” rectangular cross-sections. StormStrong 3-5/8” x 4-5/8” FRP crossarms were developed to be the most cost-effective and structurally efficient crossarm available on the market! Our published values have been developed and fully evaluated per the requirements of ASTM D8019-15.
Our deadend crossarms are available with or without hardware. It is common for utilities to specify the crossarms predrilled with deadend phase hardware including washers, double-arm (DA) bolts, eye nuts and a prefabricated center mount. With design values published per the NESC code, our deadend crossarms are fabricated with CNC equipment under strict quality standards and contain a minimum of three layers of UV protection for superior, long-lasting performance. All material hardware and steel fabrications are hot dip galvanized per ASTM D153.

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Bedford Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc.